The following sessions have been planned for PN’13

Panel Discussions:

  • Indian Content and its Global Future »

  • The way forward for Indian language publishing »

  • The future of e-publishing in India »

  • Cultivating readership in Indian languages »

  • Is the Indian reader changing? »

  • Developing Book Retail »

  • Understanding Print »


  • Working with poetry. This workshop will discuss the nuances of publishing poetry by juxtaposing the environment in India with that of France and discussing issues related to the encouragement of poetry as also its marketing.
    Conducted by Aurélia Lassaque » and Sampurna Chattarji »

  • Film and TV adaptations: Insight into the adaptation rights sale process – stories that work (and those that don’t), developing the pitch, commercial terms and related aspects.
    Conducted by Dhruvank Vaidya »

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – Need and Best Practises in the new digital world: Managing relationship with direct customer / reader of our content is becoming an important aspect of CRM in today’s world. Making efforts to centralize Customer data from different sources and effectively communicating with clients can lead to direct top line growth and also generate awareness of the brand.
    Conducted by Sangeeta Mamgain »

  • The importance of book reviews in book marketing »
    Conducted by Anuradha Goyal »

  • Strategies for trading rights »
    Conducted by Manasi Subramaniam », Kannan Sundaram » and Rubin D’Cruz »

  • Does content really need to be free on the internet? »
    Conducted by Amit Goel »

  • e-Distribution of Indian Language Content »
    Conducted by Santanu Chowdhury »

  • Content creation, collaboration and communication tools for publishers, illustrators, translators and authors in digital publishing for kids »
    Conducted by Jagdish Repaswal »

  • Social media for authors and publishers »
    Conducted by Greg Acuna »

  • Publishing and Design: Anna Gerber from Visual Editions will present on their approach to publishing including how they work with designers, the collaborative nature of what they do and why they choose to approach book publishing in the way that they do.
    Conducted by Anna Gerber »

Insight Talks:

  • by Anusha Yadav, founder of the Indian Memory Project », on how the concepts of preservation and archiving have evolved with the advent of the Internet

  • by Shabnam Aggarwal, founder of the Millee Project », exploring how mobile technologies could be used to foster education, whether to help kids (especially those in rural India) learn, or evaluate them or make content digitally accessible to them

  • by Vijay Sampath, CEO of ACK Media », on the challenges and opportunities in managing multiple brands within one publishing house

  • by Venkatesh Hariharan, Director of Knowledge Commons », on a road map for publishers of books in Indian languages »