Just a few tips to help you along:
- Read information about each award carefully: Read the information we have provided for each award, especially the criteria on which your application will be evaluated. Understand what is asked of you so you can be precise while answering.
- Answer precisely: When we have asked a question, we have tailored it to a criteria on which your application will be evaluated. Therefore you should answer the question very pointedly. Be brief while at the same time giving all relevant information that will impress the jury.
- Focus on the past year: Our focus is primarily on what you have done recently. In the case of the “book” and “cover” awards, only those books and covers developed after May 31st 2014 will be considered. In any case, highlight your recent achievements.
- Explain the context: We’d like to know why you did what you did. For example, why did you choose that particular cover or if there was any reason you chose to market your book a certain way. While we suggest you explain what you did, we’d also like to know what made you do it.
- Do not compare yourself to other publishing houses: Do not compare your performance to that of other publishing houses, or be overawed by the fact that your marketing campaigns are small in comparison to those of other publishers. Your application will be evaluated commensurate to your size and capabilities. So let us know how you have performed given the resources you had at your disposal. If you have made do with little, we’d like to know how.
- Don’t be modest: Now isn’t the time to be coy about your achievements. Tell us what you have done, about the awards your books have won and about critical reviews that have been published. If there is anything you have achieved, proudly say so!
- Let your passion show through: We are looking for passionate publishers who simply love their books. This passion should show in your application. We’d like to see evidence of your enthusiasm and your drive to publish the best book out there.