Despite significant improvements in infrastructure that aids transportation and communications, books haven’t been able to travel the last mile. This has resulted in a market that is starved of good books and in publishers who see the potential of their titles remain unrealized. This panel will seek to examine the issues related to distribution and sale of books and get a conversation started on how these issues could be tackled.
- Impact of online stores
- Impact of lending libraries
- Impact of technology on distribution (Has it been adopted and its potential realised?)
- Reluctance of big-box retail to develop a strong online presence
- Development of business intelligence
- Addressing local demand (especially in case of Indian language books)
- The impact of book reviews and marketing on book sales
- Managing publisher expectations
- Retail of digital books
- Do we need online stores that sell only books? Is such a concept feasible?
- Factors limiting growth of book distribution (Tied to growth of physical bookstores?)
- Do publishers meet distributors’ requirements/expectations?
- Are the marketing departments of publishing houses in sync with distribution issues?
- Ashish Goel »