Noted scholar, editor-publisher, translator, lexicographer and bibiliophile, Samik Bandyopadhyay will address the gathering and set the tone for the conference. A recently-introduced feature of the conference, the keynote address is an eagerly-awaited session during the conference.
This masterclass will provide a basic overview of the process of publishing, with a focus on the editorial, production and marketing functions. Primarily suited for those who wish to know more about publishing, or wish to become publishers, this session will provide them with the know-how necessary to take the first steps towards publishing a book.
Here, authors will be acquainted with the various options available to them after they have completed writing their book, and the steps authors can take to get published. This session is primarily for authors who have written their manuscript and are evaluating the various steps they can take.
Participants will be acquainted with the role of the editor while she evaluates manuscripts of various writing styles and genres. The role of the commissioning editor will also be discussed.
This masterclass will provide a comprehensive understanding of copyright issues as applicable to book publishing, and that of how rights are traded. This masterclass will also acquaint participants with the various types of contracts that are used during the trades of rights.
This panel will discuss the current state of book retail as seen from the perspective of publishers, book distributors and online and offline retailers. It will also attempt to predict how book retail might evolve as readers’ taste change. The impact of digital technologies and the evolution of various new genres on book-buying habits will also be discussed.
This panel discussion will focus on the translation market and examine whether the quantity and quality of our translations do justice to the enormous literary output of the country. The professional aspects of the translation craft will also be discussed.
In a scenario where financial resources are limited, panelists will discuss where publishers should focus so that they continue to remain relevant in the future. Sunset and sunrise areas of publishing, as well as the impact of technology on the publishing ecosystem will also be discussed.
The current status and trends, market size and dynamics as also the challenges and opportunities the higher education publishing faces will be discussed.
This workshop, as the name suggests, will acquaint publishers with relevant accounting methods that will cover various processes encountered by publishers, and other publishing professionals, even authors. The workshop will focus on records that must be kept on a day-to-day basis as well as instructions while filing.
This workshop is geared towards helping publishers gather data about their buyers and readers so that they can build an effective marketing program. Using various tools, publishers can understand the various demographics to which their readers and buyers belong. This workship will introduce these tools to the participants.
The digital transformation of the media business is no longer a vision. Therefore publishers and media companies need to increase their digital business if they want to stay in the competition. This workshop is aimed at professionals wishing to extend their knowledge of how to manage digital products and e-projects.
The panel will focus on the challenges of publishing, in the present context, and the place of cultural institutions in a free democracy.
Noted poet and translator, Shafi Shauq, will discuss his writings and translations and his efforts to revive Kashmiri literary traditions.
Ravi Singh, Publishing Director of Speaking Tiger, will share his views on the current publishing scenario in the country.
Author Makenzy Orcel will talk about his works, their genesis, and his vision of literature.