Jai Madhukar Zende started booksTALK audiobooks, along with Jayashree Mantri Easwaran. booksTALK was born from the personal challenges of not being able to read much these days due to busy schedules and spending many hours in traffic, and the desire to once again enjoy listening to well narrated stories. The product has another benefit – it allows one to enjoy stories in regional languages by listening to them, since fewer and fewer people are able to read in these languages these days. And the list of benefits keeps growing.
booksTALK has popular works of fiction and non-fiction narrated by actors or by select authors to bring the joy of story-telling back to adult lives. Delivered in a variety of formats to suit modern urban lives and styles.
Jai started booksTALK after spending 15 years in Corporate India, doing start-ups in a variety of Financial Services companies. Like a formerly avid reader, Jai is a formerly avid quizzer. He also went to Engineering and Business School.