The following is the schedule for Publishing Next 2018. Some topics remain to be finalised. In addition, there are a few slots remaining to be filled.

If you feel there is a topic we should cover, drop us a line and we will consider it. Our email address is


Day 1 : 20-09-2018

[mp-timetable col=”8421,8422″ title=”1″ time=”1″ description=”1″ row_height=”60″ font_size=”14px” increment=”0.5″ view=”none” label=”All Events” hide_label=”0″ hide_hrs=”0″ hide_empty_rows=”1″ group=”0″ disable_event_url=”0″ text_align=”center” text_align_vertical=”middle” id=”” custom_class=”” responsive=”1″]

Day 2 : 21-09-2018

[mp-timetable col=”8442,8443″ title=”1″ time=”1″ row_height=”60″ font_size=”14px” increment=”0.5″ view=”none” label=”All Events” hide_label=”0″ hide_hrs=”0″ hide_empty_rows=”1″ group=”0″ disable_event_url=”0″ text_align=”center” text_align_vertical=”default” id=”” custom_class=”” responsive=”1″]

Day 3 : 22-09-2018

[mp-timetable col=”8460,8461″ title=”1″ time=”1″ row_height=”60″ font_size=”14px” increment=”0.5″ view=”none” label=”All Events” hide_label=”0″ hide_hrs=”0″ hide_empty_rows=”1″ group=”0″ disable_event_url=”0″ text_align=”center” text_align_vertical=”default” id=”” custom_class=”” responsive=”1″]