Deepali Shukla is an Editor at Title Development Team of Publication programme of non-governmental organization, Eklavya at Bhopal. Eklavya’s publication is driven by its core philosophy of “meaningful education to all and not a preserve of a few”. As a pioneering organization in education, Eklavya holds ethical values to its heart and believes in Creative Commons.
Deepali is part of the ethos and passion of Ekalvya in giving “voice to the unheard” and “reaching to the unreached”. These values have driven it to swim against the market driven current. Eklavya publish in Hindi and in other non-mainstream Indian languages with the aim of giving a voice to the communities whose language is not a priority for the market and whose “buying capacity” is at odds with the prices of mainstream publishing (whether books or magazines).
Children are at the centre of the Eklavya universe and its primary focus in on children’s literature (books, activity books and magazines) and education pedagogy. They therefore acquire, develop and disseminate reading and learning enhancement books.
Deepali Shukla holds a Masters degree in Law, specialisation in Human Rights. Before joining Eklavya, she dabbled for a while in mainstream journalism and those exacting timelines are carried over with zeal to developing thirty titles in a year at Title Development.
Deepali is a passionate photographer and enthusiastic traveller.